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PARENTING ....in my opinion

PARENTING ....in my opinion

We as parents are here to nature our children to become independent people of society. There is such a societal breakdown that this millennium generation and the next are becoming enabled by parents that think being overbearing and getting involved on every level is the right thing to do for their kid.  You know what I think and it is just my opinion, you have to let children work things out on their own.  Preaching that it is ok to come run to an adult every time something happens is not the right pathway for your child.  I'm no doctor or anything but we condition our children to become who they are by behaviors and values that we instill in them.  What do you want your kid to be?  Conditioned to be confident and able to cope with issues or running to mommy in their 30's to get you involved?  Think about it...what if you aren't here to protect them, what if you aren't in the mix and they put themselves in a hard to handle situation?  We aren't going to be with them all the time and it gets less and less.  Independence, confidence, and strength those are my goals for my kids.  What are yours?
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